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Programming Challenge: Text-Based Calculator (with History) (Jan 8, 2025)

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Create a command-line calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations and keeps a history of calculations during the session.

Basic Requirements:

  1. Allow the user to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  2. Accept input in the format: number operator number (e.g., 5 + 3).
  3. Display the result of each calculation.
  4. Store the history of calculations in a list and display it upon request.

Bonus Features:

  • Add support for more complex operations like square roots, exponents, and percentages.
  • Implement input validation to handle errors (e.g., dividing by zero).
  • Allow the user to save the history to a file for future reference.

Example Output:

Welcome to the Text-Based Calculator!
Enter your calculation (or type 'history' to view past calculations, 'help' for help, 'exit' to quit):
> 5 + 3
Result: 8

> 10 / 2
Result: 5

> sqrt(144)
Result: 12

> history
1. 5 + 3 = 8
2. 10 / 2 = 5
3. sqrt(144) = 12

> help
Basic Operations:
  num + num (e.g., 5 + 3) - Addition
  num - num (e.g., 10 - 4) - Subtraction
  num * num (e.g., 6 * 7) - Multiplication
  num / num (e.g., 20 / 4) - Division
  num % num (e.g., 10 % 3) - Modulus
  num ^ num (e.g., 5 ^ 5) - Power and Exponents

Advanced Functions:
  sqrt(num) (e.g., sqrt(16)) - Square Root
  cubert(num) (e.g., cubert(27)) - Cube Root
  log(num) (e.g., log(1000)) - Logarithm
  ln(num) (e.g., ln(2.71828)) - Natural Logarithm
  sin(num), cos(num), tan(num) (e.g., sin(30)) - Trigonometric Functions (Degrees or Radians)
  asin(num), acos(num), atan(num) (e.g., asin(0.5)) - Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  abs(num) (e.g., abs(-10)) - Absolute Value
  fact(num) (e.g., fact(5)) - Factorial
  gcd(num, num) (e.g., gcd(48, 18)) - Greatest Common Divisor
  lcm(num, num) (e.g., lcm(4, 5)) - Least Common Multiple
  rand(min, max) (e.g., rand(1, 100)) - Random Number Generator
  percent(num, num) (e.g., percent(20, 200)) - Percentage
  isprime(num) (e.g., isprime(17)) - Prime Check
  fib(num) (e.g., fib(10)) - Fibonacci Sequence

> exit


CodeName: Jessica

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