Posted March 2Mar 2 Digital Processing of Speech Signals Digital Processing of Speech Signals by Lawrence R. Rabiner, Ronald W. Schafer Publisher Prentice-Hall Published Date 1978 Page Count 512 Categories Computers / Artificial Intelligence / Natural Language Processing, Computers / Speech & Audio Processing, Technology & Engineering / Electrical, Technology & Engineering / Electronics / General, Technology & Engineering / Electronics / Digital, Technology & Engineering / Telecommunications, Technology & Engineering / Signals & Signal Processing Language EN Average Rating 5 (based on 1 ratings) Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected ISBN 0132136031 The material in this book is intended as a one-semester course in speech processing. The purpose of this text is to show how digital signal processing techniques can be applied to problems related to speech communication. The book gives an extensive description of the physical basis for speech coding including fourier analysis, digital representation and digital and time domain models of the wave form. It goes on to discuss homomorphic speech processing, linear predictive coding and digital processing for machine communication by voice. More Information
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