Posted Thursday at 11:00 PM5 days User Interface Design for Programmers User Interface Design for Programmers by Avram Joel Spolsky Publisher Apress Published Date 2001 Page Count 144 Categories Computers / Software Development & Engineering / Computer Graphics, Computers / Software Development & Engineering / General Language EN Average Rating N/A (based on N/A ratings) Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected ISBN 1893115941 Most programmers' fear of user interface (UI) programming comes from their fear of doing UI design. They think that UI design is like graphic design—the mysterious process by which creative, latte-drinking, all-black-wearing people produce cool-looking, artistic pieces. Most programmers see themselves as analytic, logical thinkers instead—strong at reasoning, weak on artistic judgment, and incapable of doing UI design. In this brilliantly readable book, author Joel Spolsky proposes simple, logical rules that can be applied without any artistic talent to improve any user interface, from traditional GUI applications to websites to consumer electronics. Spolsky's primary axiom, the importance of bringing the program model in line with the user model, is both rational and simple. In a fun and entertaining way, Spolky makes user interface design easy for programmers to grasp. After reading User Interface Design for Programmers, you'll know how to design interfaces with the user in mind. You'll learn the important principles that underlie all good UI design, and you'll learn how to perform usability testing that works. More Information
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