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Photoshop 4 Artistry - A Master Class for Photographers, Artists, and Production Artists

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Photoshop 4 Artistry

Photoshop 4 Artistry

A Master Class for Photographers, Artists, and Production Artists

by Barry Haynes, Wendy Crumpler

Publisher New Riders Pub.
Published Date 1997
Page Count 313
Categories Computers / Software Development & Engineering / Computer Graphics, Computers / Design, Graphics & Media / Photography, Photography / Techniques / General
Language EN
Average Rating N/A (based on N/A ratings)
Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected
ISBN 1562057596
Book Cover A master class for photographers and artists!
-- Packed with exercises and hard-to-find imaging information
-- Teaches how to use Photoshop 4.0 by working with typical situations encountered by photographers, artists, and designers
-- Explains color correction, calibration, duotones, selections, layers, masking, and channels
-- Challenging to advanced users, understandable and fun to novices
-- CD-ROM contains step-by-step exercise images for use and experimentation with the exercises in the book

With the release of version 4, Photoshop is entrenched as a robust tool for a mature audience. In a market soon to be filled with survey and special-effects books, the graphics professional will be looking for a book that teaches how to produce detailed color images that will reproduce well in print.

Photoshop 4.0 Artistry is an in-depth course in digital imaging for all users who want to learn the details of making the best Photoshop images. Readers will follow the step-by-step, hands-on exercises to learn and understand the intricacies of Photoshop and how to create their own new variations.

Not simply another Photoshop book, the examples within Photoshop 4 Artistry have been tested and improved over the past six years by Barry Haynes while he has been teaching around the country. Through these examples, readers will master Photoshop for creating fine images that are sometimes high-quality reproductions of reality and sometimes fine renditions of composites and effects.

Photoshop 4 Artistry' is a tutorial and reference on how to use Photoshop to make stunning, high-quality images. The book begins with reference material on Photoshop tools, file formats, and colorcorrection. The heart of Photoshop 4.0 Artistry, however, is the hands-on exercises that show readers how to achieve the highest possible quality in their images. The CD-ROM includes high-quality images-from the book's examples-that are large enough to see the detail necessary for learning advanced color correction and compositing.

The CD-ROM contains folders for all of the hands-on chapters and the overview chapters. Within the hands-on chapters' folders are Essential Files and Extra Info Files. The Essential Files are the images and other information needed to complete the hands-on exercises. The Extra Info Files contain the authors' intermediary and final versions of the exercises' images, plus masks, levels, curve settings, and other information that will help the readers compare their results to the authors'. The overview chapters are supported with files images that readers can use to enhance their knowledge of this material.

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