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Guide to Biometrics

Guide to Biometrics

by Ruud M. Bolle, Jonathan H. Connell, Sharath Pankanti, Nalini K. Ratha, Andrew W. Senior

Publisher Springer Science & Business Media
Published Date 2013-06-29
Page Count 364
Categories Computers / Artificial Intelligence / Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Computers / Artificial Intelligence / General, Computers / Software Development & Engineering / Computer Graphics, Computers / Optical Data Processing, Computers / Software Development & Engineering / General
Language EN
Average Rating N/A (based on N/A ratings)
Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected
ISBN 1475740360
Book Cover Starting with fingerprints more than a hundred years ago, there has been ongoing research in biometrics. Within the last forty years face and speaker recognition have emerged as research topics. However, as recently as a decade ago, biometrics itself did not exist as an independent field. Each of the biometric-related topics grew out of different disciplines. For example, the study of fingerprints came from forensics and pattern recognition, speaker recognition evolved from signal processing, the beginnings of face recognition were in computer vision, and privacy concerns arose from the public policy arena. One of the challenges of any new field is to state what the core ideas are that define the field in order to provide a research agenda for the field and identify key research problems. Biometrics has been grappling with this challenge since the late 1990s. With the matu ration of biometrics, the separate biometrics areas are coalescing into the new discipline of biometrics. The establishment of biometrics as a recognized field of inquiry allows the research community to identify problems that are common to biometrics in general. It is this identification of common problems that will define biometrics as a field and allow for broad advancement.
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