Posted February 2Feb 2 MySQL and MSQL MySQL and MSQL by Randy Jay Yarger, George Reese, Tim King Publisher O'Reilly Published Date 1999 Page Count 487 Categories Computers / General, Computers / Database Administration & Management, Computers / Operating Systems / General, Computers / Languages / SQL Language EN Average Rating 3.5 (based on 2 ratings) Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected ISBN 1565924347 MySQL and mSQL are popular and robust database products that support key subsets of SQL on both Linux and Unix systems. Both products are free for nonprofit use and cost a small amount for commercial use. Even a small organization or web site has uses for a database. Perhaps you keep track of all your customers and find that your information is outgrowing the crude, flat-file format you started with. Or you want to ask your web site's visitors for their interests and preferences and put up a fresh web page that tallies the results. Unlike commercial databases, MySQL and mSQL are affordable and easy to use. If you know basic C, Java, Perl, or Python, you can quickly write a program to interact with your database. In addition, you can embed queries and updates right in an HTML file so that a web page becomes its own interface to the database. This book is all you need to make use of MySQL or mSQL. It takes you through the whole process from installation and configuration to programming interfaces and basic administration. Includes reference chapters and ample tutorial material. Topics include: Introductions to simple database design and SQL Building, installation, and configuration Basic programming APIs for C, C++, Java (JDBC), Perl, and Python CGI programming with databases in C and Perl Web interfaces: PHP, W3-mSQL, Lite, and mSQLPerl More Information
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