Posted February 2Feb 2 Ubuntu Linux For Dummies Ubuntu Linux For Dummies by Paul G. Sery Publisher John Wiley & Sons Published Date 2007-04-30 Page Count 360 Categories Computers / Operating Systems / General, Computers / Operating Systems / Linux Language EN Average Rating 5 (based on 3 ratings) Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected ISBN 0470125055 What has made Ubuntu the most popular Linux distribution in recent years? It's the emphasis on ease of installation and use. It gets even easier when paired with Ubuntu Linux For Dummies. This friendly reference shows you how to run Ubuntu directly from CD-ROM and install it on a PC as a personal workstation and network server. You’ll find out how to download Ubuntu and start using it right away. You'll also discover how to: Connect to a LAN via a wireless and Ethernet Use and Mozilla Firefox drawing and editing Tap into multimedia, graphics and other applications using Ubuntu Create services for a home or small business network Generate and manage web pages, print services, and more Find helpful information about Ubuntu and Linux Troubleshoot and fix problems "Ubuntu" means "humanity toward others." Operating system guidebooks don’t get any more humane than Ubuntu Linux For Dummies. More Information
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