Posted February 2Feb 2 Essential Open Source Toolset Essential Open Source Toolset Programming with Eclipse, JUnit, CVS, Bugzilla, Ant, Tcl/Tk and More by Andreas Zeller, Jens Krinke Publisher Wiley Published Date 2005-02-11 Page Count 392 Categories Computers / Networking / General, Computers / Operating Systems / General, Computers / Operating Systems / UNIX, Computers / Operating Systems / Linux, Computers / Programming / General, Computers / Software Development & Engineering / Quality Assurance & Testing, Computers / Programming / Open Source Language EN Average Rating N/A (based on N/A ratings) Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected ISBN 0470844450 A unique guide to the classic Linux/Unix Toolset. Programming is more than just coding. Software developers must build, analyse and test their programs; they have to avoid performance bottlenecks, administer internal and foreign modifications, find and remove errors. Using tools available under Linux/Unix, developers can solve the problems of the programming practice. * Tools covered are the 'classics' in Linux/Unix environments * Unique coverage of wide range of tools including: DIFF, PATCH, UNRAVEL, GPROF, GCOV, SniFF+ and many more * Includes practical exercises to test competence * Companion Web site includes information on more recent developments as well as extensive additional resources More Information
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