Posted February 2Feb 2 Quick Start Guide to Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Server, and Azure Data Warehouse Quick Start Guide to Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Server, and Azure Data Warehouse by Mark Beckner Publisher Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG Published Date 2018 Page Count 116 Categories Computers / Data Science / General, Computers / Database Administration & Management, Computers / Data Science / Data Analytics, Computers / Data Science / Data Warehousing, Computers / Information Technology, Computers / Networking / General, Computers / Software Development & Engineering / General, Computers / Business & Productivity Software / Collaboration, Computers / Distributed Systems / Cloud Computing Language EN Average Rating N/A (based on N/A ratings) Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected ISBN 1547401273 With constantly expanding options such as Azure Data Lake Server (ADLS) and Azure SQL Data Warehouse (ADW), how can developers learn the process and components required to successfully move this data? Quick Start Guide to Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Server, and Azure Data Warehouse teaches you the basics of moving data between Azure SQL solutions using Azure Data Factory. Discover how to build and deploy each of the components needed to integrate data in the cloud with local SQL databases. Mark Beckner's step by step instructions on how to build each component, how to test processes and debug, and how to track and audit the movement of data, will help you to build your own solutions instantly and efficiently. This book includes information on configuration, development, and administration of a fully functional solution and outlines all of the components required for moving data from a local SQL instance through to a fully functional data warehouse with facts and dimensions. More Information
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