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Build a mini weather dashboard using a programming language and framework of your choice. The dashboard should display current weather information for at least one location.


  1. Weather Data:

    • Fetch live weather data using a public API (e.g., OpenWeatherMap or WeatherAPI).
  2. User Input:

    • Allow the user to input a city name or ZIP code to get the weather details.
  3. Display:

    • Present key information like temperature, weather condition (e.g., sunny, rainy), and wind speed in a clean format.
  4. Error Handling:

    • Handle errors gracefully (e.g., invalid city names or issues with API connectivity).
  5. Stretch Goals (optional):

    • Display a 3-day weather forecast.
    • Include weather icons or color-coded visuals for conditions (e.g., blue for rain, yellow for sunny).
  6. Code Quality:

    • Ensure modular design with reusable functions or components and clear comments.

Example Output

Enter a city: Columbus
Enter the state: Oh
Current Weather in Columbus, Oh:
- Temperature: 75°F
- Condition: Clear Skies
- Wind Speed: 5 mph

Day 1: 76°F, Sunny
Day 2: 78°F, Partly Cloudy
Day 3: 74°F, Rainy

Submission Instructions

  • Share your code along with instructions to run it.
  • If you implement visuals (e.g., in a browser), provide a screenshot or link.

This challenge combines API usage, user input, and clean output design—a great way to practice practical coding skills. How does this one sound?

CodeName: Jessica

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