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Robotics, Vision and Control

Robotics, Vision and Control

Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB

by Peter Corke

Publisher Springer
Published Date 2011-09-05
Page Count 570
Categories Technology & Engineering / Robotics, Computers / Artificial Intelligence / General, Computers / Software Development & Engineering / Computer Graphics, Technology & Engineering / Electronics / General, Technology & Engineering / Machinery, Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition, Technology & Engineering / Manufacturing, Computers / Optical Data Processing, Technology & Engineering / Imaging Systems, Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / General
Language EN
Average Rating N/A (based on N/A ratings)
Maturity Rating No Mature Content Detected
ISBN 364220144X
Book Cover

The author has maintained two open-source MATLAB Toolboxes for more than 10 years: one for robotics and one for vision. The key strength of the Toolboxes provide a set of tools that allow the user to work with real problems, not trivial examples. For the student the book makes the algorithms accessible, the Toolbox code can be read to gain understanding, and the examples illustrate how it can be used —instant gratification in just a couple of lines of MATLAB code. The code can also be the starting point for new work, for researchers or students, by writing programs based on Toolbox functions, or modifying the Toolbox code itself.

The purpose of this book is to expand on the tutorial material provided with the toolboxes, add many more examples, and to weave this into a narrative that covers robotics and computer vision separately and together. The author shows how complex problems can be decomposed and solved using just a few simple lines of code, and hopefully to inspire up and coming researchers. The topics covered are guided by the real problems observed over many years as a practitioner of both robotics and computer vision. It is written in a light but informative style, it is easy to read and absorb, and includes a lot of Matlab examples and figures. The book is a real walk through the fundamentals of robot kinematics, dynamics and joint level control, then camera models, image processing, feature extraction and epipolar geometry, and bring it all together in a visual servo system.

Additional material is provided at http://www.petercorke.com/RVC

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