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Regex Matching Modes (Page 17)

Most regular expression engines discussed in this tutorial support the following four matching modes: Modifier Description /i Makes the regex case-insensitive. /s Enables "single-line mode," making the dot (.) match newlines. /m Enables "multi-line mode," allowing caret (^) and dollar ($) to match at the start and end of each line. /x Enables "free-

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Unicode Regular Expressions (Page 16)

Unicode regular expressions are essential for working with text in multiple languages and character sets. As the world becomes more interconnected, supporting Unicode is increasingly important for ensuring that software can handle diverse text inputs. What is Unicode? Unicode is a standardized character set that encompasses characters and glyphs from all human languages, both living and dead. It aims to provide a consistent way to represent characters from different languages, eliminat

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Named Capturing Groups (Page 15)

Named capturing groups allow you to assign names to capturing groups, making it easier to reference them in complex regular expressions. This feature is available in most modern regular expression engines. Why Use Named Capturing Groups? In traditional regular expressions, capturing groups are referenced by their numbers (e.g., \1, \2). As the number of groups increases, it becomes harder to manage and understand which group corresponds to which part of the match. Named capturing grou

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Grouping with Round Brackets (Page 14)

In regular expressions, round brackets (()) are used for grouping. Grouping allows you to apply operators to multiple tokens at once. For example, you can make an entire group optional or repeat the entire group using repetition operators. Basic Usage For example: Set(Value)? This pattern matches: "Set" "SetValue" The round brackets group "Value", and the question mark makes it optional. Note: Square brackets ([]) define character classes.

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Repetition with Star and Plus (Page 13)

In addition to the question mark, regex provides two more repetition operators: the asterisk (*) and the plus (+). Basic Usage The * (star) matches the preceding token zero or more times. The + (plus) matches the preceding token one or more times. For example: <[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*> This pattern matches HTML tags without attributes: <[A-Za-z] matches the first letter. [A-Za-z0-9]* matches zero or more alphanumeric characters after the first letter.

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Optional Items (Page 12)

The question mark (?) makes the preceding token in a regular expression optional. This means that the regex engine will try to match the token if it is present, but it won’t fail if the token is absent. Basic Usage For example: colou?r This pattern matches both "colour" and "color." The u is optional due to the question mark. You can make multiple tokens optional by grouping them with round brackets and placing a question mark after the closing bracket: Nov(ember)?

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Alternation with the Vertical Bar or Pipe Symbol (Page 11)

Previously, we explored how character classes allow you to match a single character out of several possible options. Alternation, on the other hand, enables you to match one of several possible regular expressions. The vertical bar or pipe symbol (|) is used for alternation. It acts as an OR operator within a regex. Basic Syntax To search for either "cat" or "dog," use the pattern: cat|dog You can add more options as needed: cat|dog|mouse|fish The regex engine will

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Word Boundaries (Page 10)

The \b metacharacter is an anchor, similar to the caret (^) and dollar sign ($). It matches a zero-length position called a word boundary. Word boundaries allow you to perform “whole word” searches in a string using patterns like \bword\b. What is a Word Boundary? A word boundary occurs at three possible positions in a string: Before the first character if it is a word character. After the last character if it is a word character. Between two characters where one

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Start of String and End of String Anchors (Page 9)

In previous sections, we explored how literal characters and character classes operate in regular expressions. These match specific characters in a string. Anchors, however, are different. They match positions in the string rather than characters, allowing you to "anchor" your regex to the start or end of a string or line. Using the Caret (^) Anchor The caret (^) matches the position before the first character of the string. For example: ^a applied to "abc" matches "a."

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

The Dot Matches (Almost) Any Character (Page 8)

The dot, or period, is one of the most versatile and commonly used metacharacters in regular expressions. However, it is also one of the most misused. The dot matches any single character except for newline characters. In most regex flavors discussed in this tutorial, the dot does not match newlines by default. This behavior stems from the early days of regex when tools were line-based and processed text line by line. In such cases, the text would not contain newline characters, so the dot

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Character Classes or Character Sets (Page 7)

Character classes, also known as character sets, allow you to define a set of characters that a regex engine should match at a specific position in the text. To create a character class, place the desired characters between square brackets. For instance, to match either an a or an e, use the pattern «[ae]». This can be particularly useful when dealing with variations in spelling, such as in the regex «gr[ae]y», which will match both "gray" and "grey." Key Points About Character Classes:

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

First Look at How a Regex Engine Works Internally (Page 6)

Understanding how a regex engine processes patterns can significantly improve your ability to write efficient and accurate regular expressions. By learning the internal mechanics, you’ll be better equipped to troubleshoot and refine your regex patterns, reducing frustration and guesswork when tackling complex tasks. Types of Regex Engines There are two primary types of regex engines: Text-Directed Engines (also known as DFA - Deterministic Finite Automaton) Regex-Direct

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Non-Printable Characters (Page 5)

Regular expressions can also match non-printable characters using special sequences. Here are some common examples: «\t»: Tab character (ASCII 0x09) «\r»: Carriage return (ASCII 0x0D) «\n»: Line feed (ASCII 0x0A) «\a»: Bell (ASCII 0x07) «\e»: Escape (ASCII 0x1B) «\f»: Form feed (ASCII 0x0C) «\v»: Vertical tab (ASCII 0x0B) Keep in mind that Windows text files use "\r\n" to terminate lines, while UNIX text files use "\n". Hexadecimal an

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Special Characters (Page 4)

To go beyond matching literal text, regex engines reserve certain characters for special functions. These are known as metacharacters. The following characters have special meanings in most regex flavors discussed in this tutorial: [ \ ^ $ . | ? * + ( ) If you need to use any of these characters as literals in your regex, you must escape them with a backslash (). For instance, to match "1+1=2", you would write the regex as: «1\+1=2» Without the backslash, the plus sign would be int

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Literal Characters (Page 3)

The simplest regular expressions consist of literal characters. A literal character is a character that matches itself. For example, the regex «a» will match the first occurrence of the character "a" in a string. Consider the string "Jack is a boy": this pattern will match the "a" after the "J". It’s important to note that the regex engine doesn’t care where the match occurs within a word unless instructed otherwise. If you want to match entire words, you’ll need to use word boundaries, a c

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Different Regular Expression Engines (Page 2)

A regular expression engine is a software component that processes regex patterns, attempting to match them against a given string. Typically, you won’t interact directly with the engine. Instead, it operates behind the scenes within applications and programming languages, which invoke the engine as needed to apply the appropriate regex patterns to your data or files. Variations Across Regex Engines As is often the case in software development, not all regex engines are created equal.

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

Regular Expression Tutorial (Page 1)

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on Regular Expressions (Regex). This tutorial is designed to equip you with the skills to craft powerful, time-saving regular expressions from scratch. We'll begin with foundational concepts, ensuring you can follow along even if you're new to the world of regex. However, this isn't just a basic guide; we'll delve deeper into how regex engines operate internally, giving you insights that will help you troubleshoot and optimize your patterns effectively.

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown in Tutorials

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